Sunday, April 11, 2010

Miabi Films

Miabi Films. Such a great name. Its run by some guy named Greg and has incredibly witty (and sometimes admittedly stupid) commentary on very obtuse topics. It's hilarious, and I found a list of 'old lady names' when I was looking for some inspiration for a script. Check it out.

"Miabi Films is a fake. Its a made up production company that makes us sound more important than we actually are. There’s no office. There’s no bank account. There is no us. Its basically one guy, me.

Someone once told me that miabi (pronounced me-Ah-bee) meant “beautiful place” in some Indian dialect. It seemed like a groovy sounding word at the time. And after seeing The Wall twelve-hundred times in some other miabi, the name stuck. Miabi Films had been a revolving cast of actors doing comedic video shorts for awhile. Now, its basically become an outlet for me to showcase my (lack of) writing and film skills. It’s also another way of convincing myself that I’m keeping busy.

The bedrock of Miabi Films was laid back when we were freshman in high school. My group of friends thought we were the funniest kids in town. We’d make these puerile, off-beat video shorts about singing terrorists and leotards. I’d wanted to make movies since the first time I heard you could edit video by connecting two VCRs. Making short films was just fun. A perfect combination of art and tech, on the cheap. I was hooked. Now it’s about using bigger and bigger toys.


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